

 Total cost to startup: Entrance fee + one month membership + SSSA fees

Student Member (Limited to Students or Scholars Under 25yo at the discretion of the committee):

Entrance Fee R250.00 Once off includes logbooks etc.
Membership R600.00/month R7200.00 to be paid in full for first year, thereafter fees can be paid monthly
SSSA Student Affiliation R1530/year  

Over 65/Country/Family Member:

Entrance Fee R500.00 Once off includes logbooks etc.
Membership R600.00/month R7200.00 to be paid in full for first year, thereafter fees can be paid monthly.
SSSA Affiliation R1530.00/year  
Country members- Must be a member of another club, exempt from duties


Family Members- If multiple members of a family join, not all members need to be full members

Full Member (Age<65):

Entrance Fee R500.00 Once off includes logbooks etc.
Membership R775.00/month R9300.00 to be paid in full for first year, thereafter fees can be paid monthly.
SSSA Affiliation R1530.00/year  

Social Member:

Membership R860.00/year No discount applicable
Social Members may visit socially, will receive the newsletter, but they may NOT fly any gliders solo nor vote at the Club’s AGM

Note: An additional R500.00 should be added to new members and/or member’s account to put their a/c into credit

Note: All SSSA (Soaring Society of South Africa) affiliation fees mentioned above are subject to change by the SSSA, please see the SSSA website for more details.


Temporary Daily Membership Club R250.00/day Friend/family member flown in a club 2-seater by a GPL pilot
Temporary Daily Membership Pvt R50.00/day Friend/family member flown in a private 2-seater by a GPL pilot
F.A.I. License R380.00/year Mandatory for competition flying
Members of other gliding clubs may use our facilities at normal club rates

MGC year from 1st April – 31st March; Members joining during the year would pay R9300.00 or part thereof, Country, Student, Pensioners or Family members would pay R7200.00 or part thereof, and be liable for payment up to the end of the Club financial year-end, i.e. 31st March.

Flying Costs:

Aero-Tows/A-Tow Retrieves/Ferrying

ZS-LLH (Cessna 182) – R70.00/min
ZS-EGI (Super Cub) – R60.00/min
ZS-EUK (Lambada) – R42.00/min

Fuel Uplifted cost + R3 per lt.  maximum 30 lt for pvt aircraft
Launch charge R150.00/Launch
Club Glider Hire Per minute rate
Aircraft Hire:
Twin Astir II (G103) R7.50/min
Single Astir (G102)  R4.00/min
Lambada Touring Motor Glider R28.00/min
Touring Motor Glider (SF25C) R840.00/Hobbs hou
Note: All glider hire (TMG excluded) is free before 11am everyday

 Training Introductory Flights:

Aero-Tow R2000.00 Maximum of 30 minutes
Winch Launch R2000.00 Maximum of 30 minutes
Motor Glider R2000.00 Maximum of 30 minutes
These rates include Temporary membership for 1 month


Club Hangar Rental R 725/month  
Cape Hangars R 675/month  

Estimated flying expense up to solo:

This estimate will vary depending upon the individuals initial skill and aptitude as well as preferred launch method. (All the costs below excludes the normal membership fees outlined above)
You should work on 30 to 60 flights to go solo for a first time pilot, and if you are committed you will be able to have about 2-3 flights per day on average. The costs below is an estimation for 45 flights.


Assuming your average aerotow lasts 8 minutes and your average flight duration is 15 minutes. Cost will be: R 27 450.00. If you do aerotow only you should go solo in less flights because you will get away on most of the flights and get more flying time under the belt sooner. This will enable you to save on you petrol cost driving between the club and home.


If you decide to winch launch it might take more flights to solo because a significant proportion of your flights will be shorter, if you can’t find lift directly after the winch launch you will only fly a circuit and land thus limiting your flight training. Working on 45 flights again and 15 minutes average flight time, cost to solo will be:
R 7 425.00

Motor Glider

Working on 15 hours to solo in the motor falke, the cost to solo will be:
R 12 600.00

Magalies Gliding Club