If you would like to learn to fly, you must become a member of the club, and the Soaring Society of South Africa.
As a student pilot, you will be able to use all of the club facilities, and enjoy free tuition from our certified instructors.
Gliding involves much more than just flying, and as a club member, you too will be expected to pitch in and help on the days that you fly, by washing gliders, fetching them when they land, helping to put them away at night etc.
You will also be rostered for duty from time to time, and on your occasional duty days, you will learn to drive the winch, keep the timesheets, and perform the duties of the launch marshal.
Everyone has to do there bit if the club is to survive and grow. Gliding is one of the cheapest forms of aviation, second only to paragliding, and probably the only place you will receive such in-depth aeronautical training and experience, with absolutely no instruction fees! The sport of soaring attracts many different folks from all walks of life, and many professional pilots will attest to the value of their gliding experience in difficult general aviation situations.
“Powered aircraft fly through the air and in spite of it. Gliders fly in the air and because of it”.
The necessary forms are available from the timekeeper, or the duty officer at the club, or contact the webmaster, should you require any further information..